YWLA scored the best out of all 1,840 public and charter middle schools in Texas, based on eight criteria including STAAR test results, reading and math gains on standard tests, and attendance. Delia McLerran, principal of YWLA, said, “We are very proud of our students, and we believe that our teachers and students are deserving of this ranking. Everyone works very hard and is very dedicated to ensuring every student is college ready.”
YWLA is operated by a partnership between the SAISD and the Foundation for the Education of Young Women (FEYW), a private non-profit that operates a network of all girls, public college preparatory schools across Texas. Other schools in the FEYW network scored in the top five in their cities as well. The Ann Richards School for Young Women Leaders middle school was ranked #3 in Austin, and the Irma Rangel Young Women’s Leadership School was ranked #3 for its high school and #4 for its middle school in Dallas. More information about FEYW can be found at http://www.feyw.org/.
The Children At Risk rankings can be found at
http://childrenatrisk.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/2013-Greater-San-Antonio-Middle- School-Rankings.pdf.
Juliette Coulter
214. 394.5532 juliette@coultergroup.com